With the military’s prosecution of the disgraced Army MPs accused of torturing prisoners in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison continuing, an attorney for Lynndie England, one of the accused, has released information about their defense strategy. They intend to argue that England was not intending to humiliate naked Iraqi prisoners, by pointing to their private regions in pictures, but instead she was trying to point out that they have, like all Arabs, blurry genitals.
[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignright" width="370" caption="Arab men LOVE a mocking chick in uniform"] |
US Government Officials deny the “blurry genital” theory, saying that it’s “patently absurd”. According to officials, the pictures were professionally altered so soccer moms wouldn’t have to explain to their children that men have penises and women have vaginas.
England’s lawyers state that the reason that their client was giving the thumbs up sign was she was indicating which prisoners had the most indistinguishable anatomy. According to witnesses, some men's penises were so blurry that guesses for what they looked like ranged from "aardvark", to "a slightly thicker number two pencil", to "Italy". Apparantly the last man's member had a hook at the end.
When this reporter contacted a spokesman for the Alliance Against Anti-Arab Attacks (also known as A to the fizzith), asking about the blurry genitals phenomenon, the spokesman threatened to "cut our throats in our sleep. Allah is great!"
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