Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Your online protest does nothing

A while back, scores of my Facebook friends changed their profile picture to a cartoon character, saying that this was raising awareness for child violence. This phenomenon was reported on by many in the media as if it were a perfectly reasonable thing to do. It was not.

[caption id="attachment_772" align="alignright" width="300" caption="I could have just "unliked" a page? Now you tell me!"][/caption]

I upset some of my friends by pointing out that changing their profile pictures was an example of "slacktivism," a term which I fervently wish I had coined because it is a perfect way to describe this new trend.

Maybe I'm going to piss people off--maybe I should go back and change the first word of this sentence to "surely"--but this trend of "raising awareness" is becoming increasingly tiresome. For example, I fully support research and treatment for breast cancer. At this point, however, is anyone not aware that breasts are susceptible to cancer?  Haven't we turned over every rock by now and shouted to those slumbering under them, "Excuse me, but I made my Facebook status a sexual joke about where I left my pocketbook that implies that I like to have intercourse in that location."?

Last week, it was brought to my attention that Geoff Fox, the weatherman at the station I grew up watching, was being let go. Yes, you could say that my awareness was raised. What followed, however, shows just how ridiculous people are becoming with these online protests.

One Facebook group that was created to protest the event had many statuses similar to this:

?"Unlike" WTNH beginning at 6:00pm Monday and "re-like", if you so choose on Tuesday beginning at 6:00pm. 24 hour boycott. Will have more impact to do it together over a 24 hour period. This will take a few hours, it will true up at 5:59 on Tuesday. "unlike" is at the bottom, left side of the WTNH page. Thank you.

This does nothing.


Are the executives of companies going to look at their Facebook page and yell, "Holy shit, Bob! Our likes have plummeted! Call the board together, we need an emergency meeting!"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sarah Palin Vows to Hack and Slash Violent Political Rhetoric

The following is a transcript of Sarah Palin’s video in response to the response to her response to the shooting in Arizona.

Good evening, America. I’m really sad that I have to spend time making another internet video to respond to the lamestream media’s reaction to my last video.

Many have called on me to apologize. I guess today you can’t tell the truth without somebody wanting you to apologize. I’ve been asked to retreat from my statement that the opposition soldiers in our political battle because of a phrase that I used, blood libel.

Some of these cowards have said that this statement is offensive to Jews. This is completely impossible. I am a good Christian, and have completely forgiven my Zionist friends for killing our savior. I ask you to wash your hands of these accusations like Pilate did.