At first glance, Noel Martin’s acting debut in a Valtrex advertisement does not seem terribly noteworthy. He is only on screen for approximately 5 seconds and has one line. However, the fact that he actually contracted herpes to “get more into the mindset” of his character has created quite a stir.
It is not unusual for actors and actresses to use “method acting” in movies and on the stage. Marlon Brando and James Dean are just a few illustrious names in the “method” role call. However, it is almost unheard of in the field of television commercials.
[caption id="attachment_284" align="alignright" width="300" caption="While Valtrex treats herpes, it doesn't prevent imaginary friends"]
Martin thinks that there is nothing wrong with his approach to the role.
“I had trouble realizing exactly how my character [Herpes Guy #2] would see the world, considering that he has a venereal disease that Valtrex is able to treat effectively. Would he be ecstatic? Or would he have more of a composed joy, so as not to irritate his friends stricken with syphilis or other sexual diseases the drug cannot help? Not having herpes myself, I could not answer these questions."
A spokesperson for Arthur and Roberson, the advertising agency responsible for the Valtrex campaign, says the company has no comment at this time.
Linda, Martin’s girlfriend, left him after discovering that he had passed the disease on to her. His pleas that it would help her in her acting career went unanswered.
Martin’s role in the commercial consists of him smiling broadly and saying, “Finally.” Later in the spot, he is shown playing joyfully with a dog.
It is not known if this is meant to imply that, thanks to Valtrex, he can now have sexual contact with his dog without giving it herpes.
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