[caption id="attachment_840" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Whatever you call this man, do NOT call him a journalist"]
“I’m not some kind of lamestream media lackey, whose only jobs are to praise Barack Obama and discredit anyone who dares to contradict the Messiah,” Breitbart replied in a posting on his website Breitbart.com. I tell the truth, even if I have to make it up most of the time.”
“Journalist? That’s like Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite,” added Breitbart. “I’m nothing like those guys.”
Early reports indicate that the smear appears to have damaged Breitbart’s reputation among conservatives.
“I don’t know if I can trust anyone who calls himself a journalist,” said 89 year old regular Fox News viewer Brett Hupright. “The crying chalkboard man on the TV told me not to trust journalists, because they have the same last four letters as communists. It’s true, he showed me on his chalkboard. I still trust the guy who looks like a date rapist; he’s definitely not a journalist.”
Liberals are saying that it’s about time Breitbart is on the receiving end of deceitful reporting.
“He is finally getting payback for Shirley Sherrod,” said Twitter user @GottaLaff, the owner of political website The Political Carnival. “It’s fitting to see him getting a taste of his own medicine.”
Sdoty appears to have doctored a video of Breitbart speaking for twenty minutes into a new video that is only 30 seconds long.
“I didn’t ‘doctor’ anything. I ‘Breitbarted’ it, which means that I took out all the boring parts and only left in the part that makes him say what I want people to think he said,” said Sdoty.
“I may have switched a few tiny little parts around,” Sdoty added.
For Breitbart, the smear is the latest in what he calls a concerted effort by the liberal press to keep him from making up news stories to hurt those which whom he disagrees.
“Why did we take down ACORN?” Breitbart asks. “Because we needed to. They were a threat to our country. People say they want ‘proof’ and ‘evidence’ and ‘logic.’ I’ll do you one better. It’s on my website. That’s proof enough. I couldn’t put it up if it wasn’t true.”
Sarah Palin tweeted, “C’mon LAMESTREAM media. Breitbart no journalist. He’s hero. See FB page 4 comnt.”
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