I just talked to my friend Sheila and I could not believe what my ears were hearing! Apparantly, New Line Cinema has never heard of a little thing I like to call tact, since they are promoting a new movie called The Two Towers - an obvious reference to the World Trade Center's "Twin Towers" which were destroyed in the terrorist attacks last September.
[caption id="attachment_457" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Due to sensitivity, the WTC buildings will be digitally erased from this picture"]
My friend told me that there was a book that J.K. Rowlings wrote that is the basis for the movie. I thought that her Harry Potter books were so wonderful that I couldn't believe that she would take advantage of such an ammoral tragedy such as the WTC bombings as inspiration for a literary work!
Then I was informed that the movie was a sequel to last years film "The Fellowship of the Ring", which I enjoyed - despite the homosexual wizard. It's the new millenium, so I guess I have to change with the times, and if sorcerors are deciding to live deviant lifestyles, I'll have to get used to it.
The previews that I have seen for these movies really make my case for me. There is an army of dirty monsters leading an assault on a tall building, obviously depicting the arab terrorists attacking one of our tallest buildings. Even the scene of a Vulcan shooting arrows to keep the monsters at bay seems to be a suggestion by the filmmakers that we install Surface To Air missiles on tall buildings in case any more planes are hijacked, which I think is absurd. We should just ban all arab-looking people from airplanes, problem solved!
So when your son or daughter wants to go see the movie The Two Towers, tell them that you're being a good parent by not letting them go. Sometimes you have to do things as a parent that aren't popular with your kids. This is one of those times. Stand tall America, for if we go patronize this movie - the terrorists have won.
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