President Barack Obama has been used to being waken with bad news. The struggling economy, trouble in the Iraq and Afghanistan, and Glenn Beck's ratings increases are just a few of the early morning news that has sent the President diving back under the covers. This morning, however, he began the day a vindicated man. Critics had mercilessly railed against his decision to insert himself into the greatest conflict of our time: the battle between the police and Ivy League intellectuals. Today, the Nobel Prize committee has rewarded his diplomatic efforts with its annual peace prize.
[caption id="attachment_301" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Karl Rove Follows Beck's Lead"]
When the President decided to host the "Beer Summit" at the White House, he tried to play it off as nothing, "just a few guys having a beer and talking." But the responsible media knew the truth. This was big. Obama, a diplomatic neophyte seemed to be biting off more than he could chew, or drink.
The historic summit ended with a handshake and a commitment to talk further. "It is that level of multi-lateral diplomacy that led us to award this prize to President Barack Obama," said Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee.
American reaction to the award was a mixture of bewilderment and outrage, although it should be noted that there is a section of America that greets the weather report with outrage. Many on the left, while they agree with Obama's policies, feel that it is too early to give him such an award. Many on the right think that the Nobel Prize committee are a bunch of fascist, Marxist, communist appeasers who like arugula and put Dijon mustard on their hamburgers.
Glenn Beck is reportedly hard at work planning a segment for this evening's show tying in the Nobel Prize committee to his large conspiracy web. A Fox insider says this is the current working draft of Beck's segment
"Now, you see here on this board I've written NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Seems pretty harmless, right? Well, what happens when you take the letters BEL and flip them? NOLEB PEACE PRIZE. What if I add a space? NO LEB PEACE PRIZE. Take away the P? NO LEB PEACE RIZE. Add in one, just one, comma and exclamation point. NO LEB PEACE, RIZE! Is this a call to arms for the people of Lebanon? Is this saying that Hezbollah should continue to attack our friend and ally Israel? If President Obama accepts this award, is he siding with people who want to attack our allies? Is he supporting terrorism? Some people say so, and we'll talk to them later."
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