This week, you could go anywhere without seeing advertisements for Glenn Beck's movie "The Christmas Sweater." In fact, if you don't watch Fox News or listen to Beck's radio show, it's likely that you had no idea that the controversial talk show host and frequent saline producer even had a movie coming out. Beck's two hour and fifteen minute motion picture debut played in hundreds of theaters throughout the country on Thursday night, and his fans were pumped! So pumped, that they bought ninety-four out of a possible one-hundred ninety-three tickets in Rockwall, Texas. They bought one-hundred seventy tickets in West Jordan, Utah. They even bought a whopping seventeen tickets in New York City. Or so they liberal media would have you think.
[caption id="attachment_565" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Picture of crowd in line for Beck movie"]

Fox News is exclusively reporting that these numbers are much lower than actual ticket sales. They point to pictures of enormous crowds of people waiting in line to see the DC showing. Critics say that the pictures are actually pictures from the Million Man March from ten years ago. Fox News refused to comment other than saying, "Some people say pictures don't lie."
Sarah Palin referred reporters to her Facebook page.
[caption id="attachment_566" align="alignright" width="203" caption="Fox News depiction of people in line for Beck movie premiere"]

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