The temporary archive for You might also find some old posts from a long time ago kicking around too.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #3. Sarah Palin
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #4. I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
In addition to the tried-and-true method of confined douchebag assembly, a newer variation of reality shows have emerged, focused on extreme situations. In the same way that paterntiy suit participants on the Maury Povich Show have increased the reliability of their claims (I think the current standard is "I am 10,000% sure that ain't my baby!"), these shows have become more and more ridiculous. This year's "Ow! My Balls!" award for most ridiculous reality show goes to our number four entry: "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #5. Teabaggers
Sure, many of these people claim that they were just as upset under Bush, but let's take a look at the abbreviated timeline:
Patriot Act, October 26, 2001. Teabagger response: "Fourth Amendment? What Fourth Amendment?"
Invasion of Iraq, March 20, 2003. Teabagger response: "Go get those WMDs!" later amended to "Saddam is a bad man" later amended to "You'll take our democracy if you know what's good for you!"
Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse photos, torture memos, extreme rendition, warrantless wiretapping, all fine.
Health Care Reform, Teabagger response: "Oh, hell no!"
Monday, December 28, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #6. Glenn Beck
For the time being, I'm going to go along with the notion that he's serious. His inclusion on the list represents not only him, but other talk radio and Fox News personalities, like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter – The Axis of Idiocy.
A problem arises because it's difficult to put these people into the same category. For example, I think Sean Hannity truly believes what he says. He has had brain surgery to turn off the part of his brain that stops your mouth from moving when you know you're saying something that makes no sense. Ann Coulter, however, says whatever she feels will cause the most controversy and make her the most money. The level of idiocy is comparable, but the intent is different. But, even with all this competition, Glenn Beck has emerged as the group's Cryer-in-Chief.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #7. Balloon Boy
Of course, it's not every day that you get to watch a bag of Jiffy Pop soar majestically through the air like some kind of large bird like an eagle or something. It's right on the tip of my tongue. Oh yeah, Falcon. That was my first clue that the kid wasn't really in the balloon. Well, that and the use of my eyes to visually acquire information about the size and shape of the balloon, which then sent the information to my brain to process and send a signal to my mouth to say "WTFuck?! You're seriously trying to tell me there's a kid riding in that? Where? Does he have Saddam's WMDs with him? Is he riding on an invisible unicorn under the balloon?"
Friday, December 25, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #8 Jennifer Aniston
1. Jennifer Aniston meets a guy and he decides to go out on a date with her, which is completely natural, because she is, after all, very attractive and seems to be a nice person.
2. They go out on one date. The guy has a very nice time and plans to see her again.
3. Her publicist calls every magazine and tells them all about the date, providing exclusive information to each magazine.
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #9. The Snuggie
It Looks Ridiculous – There's a reason that people hadn't made wearable blankets before. It's one of those ideas that sounds great in theory, but looks ridiculous in actuality. "Wouldn't it be great if I could experience the warmth of a blanket, without having to worry about it falling off when I move about?" Yeah, I guess it would. I also wish I could experience that level of warmth throughout daily life, but it would look ludicrous for me to drive around with a blanket on. It looks no less ridiculous walking around your house.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #10. Annoying Facebook Behavior
Facebook has allowed people to reconnect with people with whom they have lost contact over the years. In some cases, it only takes a day or two to remember why we lost contact with them. While Facebook is a social networking tool with great potential, it also has a tremendous capacity to annoy. Here are some Facebook behaviors that your friends find annoying, even if they won't tell you. If you do these things, you're likely not a bad person, but you are unnecessarily annoying people.
It's Facebook, not YourKidBook. We realize that being a parent is something new and exciting for everyone. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being happy and proud of your children, in fact, it's great that you care so much about them. However, remember that you feel that way because they're your children. Do you find yourself thinking, "If only my friends would tell me all about their kids in every Facebook status" or "I wish I got daily pictures of other people's kids?" No. There's a reason you don't think that. Also, you're not the first person to be pregnant. All that stuff you complain about? It's happened to every pregnant person ever.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Senate Democrats Look to Single-Player System For Health Care Reform
[caption id="attachment_590" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Don't worry, in a few seconds all that annoying blood spatter will go away"]
The Senators have decided to incorporate the fast healing technology seen in the popular video game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2." In the game, as long as the soldier is able to duck behind cover for several seconds, he completely heals. Our source says, "The Senators were so excited when they saw the footage. It didn't matter if it was a gunshot wound or shrapnel from a grenade, fifteen seconds max and they were good as new."
Others are not convinced. "Granted, Modern Warfare 2 is an amazingly realistic replication of current warfare and weaponry, but I don't think the healing mechanism in the game is accurate," says ER doctor Ben Daxon. "Just because we base our financial system on fantasy doesn't mean that will work with all fields."
The debate over the feasibility of basing public policy on video game performance brings to mind President George W. Bush's decision to appoint Michael Brown as head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency after learning of his proficiency at playing the computer game Sim City.
Monday, December 14, 2009
GOP Interns Host "Bring Your Own Strawman" Party
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The planners settled on keeping the party dry, but allowing attendees to bring their own strawmen. Out of fashion for some time, strawmen have found a resurgence with the modern Republican party, and are frequently found on most Fox News programs, as well as on talk radio. Strawmen were considered very popular in the American South for some time, although their flammable nature made them a liability at cross-burnings.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Fox News: Glenn Beck's Movie Sells Millions of Tickets
[caption id="attachment_565" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Picture of crowd in line for Beck movie"]
Fox News is exclusively reporting that these numbers are much lower than actual ticket sales. They point to pictures of enormous crowds of people waiting in line to see the DC showing. Critics say that the pictures are actually pictures from the Million Man March from ten years ago. Fox News refused to comment other than saying, "Some people say pictures don't lie."
Sarah Palin referred reporters to her Facebook page.
[caption id="attachment_566" align="alignright" width="203" caption="Fox News depiction of people in line for Beck movie premiere"]
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Future Bartlett's Quotations - Part I
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Obama Changes Afghanistan Strategy: Surge Now Consists of One Sleeping Cadet
Monday, November 23, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Searching for New Homoerotic Metaphor to Describe Health Care Reform Process
[caption id="attachment_551" align="alignright" width="254" caption="Is that just a cigar or are you trying to tell us something?"]
"People in New York, you're being raped by your government -- raped." – Glenn Beck, November 19th.
"We are -- excuse this analogy, but I feel like it's true -- we're the young girl saying "No, no, help me," and the government is Roman Polanski." – Glenn Beck, November 16th.
"Obama ordered his "pay czar" to "rape" bailed out executives." – Rush Limbaugh, October 22.
"Get ready to get gang-raped again, folks." – Rush Limbaugh, June 24th.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sarah Palin Hopes to Use Book's Success to Jump-Start 2010 Presidential Bid
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Whenever Palin is brought from the media backburner to the forefront, fact checkers are close behind. Many have charged, and shown compelling evidence, that she has a casual relation with the truth, which provides the best reason yet to take her seriously as an actual politician. Her new book contains explanation of events which run completely counter to the narrative or narratives she gave during the Presidential campaign. For example, during the campaign, Palin touted America's alliance with Eastasia in our war against Eurasia. In the book, Palin writes, "God bless those Eurasians, we've always been at war with Eastasia, yet they keep plugging along!"
After coming so close to becoming America's Vice President, Palin is hinting that she is planning on running for President in 2010, although the next presidential election isn't until 2012.
Palin isn't wavering. "Ya know, people have been telling me all my life that I can't do something. Now they're saying, Sarah, you can't run for President in 2010, it's impossible. I think that if I just keep my nose to that powder keg and wait for God to open that door, I'll be able to bust on through when it does."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Best of Page 2 - Part Two
Bitch Cited For Failure To "Get Out The Way" - Local bitch Janet Chiller was issued a ticket by police for failure to obey the rapper Ludacris as he instructer her to “Get Out The Way” in a club on Saturday. According to witnesses, the popular rap artist was attempting to make his way through the club, with Ms. Chiller obstructing his path. Mr. Ludacris asked her politely to “Move Bitch”, a request that she refused to obey. Obviously in the wrong, she was issued a ticket and will have to appear in court next week. Chiller ran afoul of the law a few years back when she refused a request to “Back ‘Dat Ass Up”, which resulted in 14 days of jail time. Ludacris could not be reached for comment, as his entourage said he was “too fucking stoned to speak”.
Woman Denies Possession of Vibrator - Clarice Jenkins, a housewife from Billings, Montana, refuted accusations leveled by her husband that a vibrator found in a drawer belonged to her. Robert Jenkins says that he “came home from work and accidentally bumped into her end table drawer. The resulting buzzing sound caused me to investigate further.” That was when the discovery of the vibrator occurred.
Mrs. Jenkins originally tried to say that the vibrator belonged to their 8 year old daughter, Lorraine. When that excuse was not believed, she then said that it came with the drawer and she had never bothered to throw it away. Finally she admitted that she may have purchased a “pregnancy free penis substitute”, but definitely not a vibrator.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Abortion Enthusiasts Excited for Health Care Reform
Jenna is a budding abortion enthusiast and college student. "I am just so excited about the government funded abortions they say will be available when health care reform passes," she says. "I'd been waiting for so long to finally experience an abortion, and I'm psyched that it will finally be affordable."
Jenna says her sister, Jamie, has already had four abortions, and says she's not done yet. "I only need one more for my punchcard, then I'll get one free abortion with an equal or lesser priced invasive medical procedure," Jamie says. "With offers like that I'd be a fool not to get pregnant again. The seats in the waiting room are really comfy too."
The Best of Page 2 - Part One
Inner City Youth Shot For His “WWJD?” Bracelet - A 15 year old Bridgeport youth was shot and killed yesterday in an attack that was surprisingly not gang related. The 25 youths interviewed by police as witnesses say that they were just “sitting on their porch, drinking 40s, minding their own business”, when a car drove by and a boy jumped out, firing 2 shots into the 15 year old, whose name is not being released to the public because of his age.
Apparently, the only item taken from the youth was his bracelet, embroidered with the letters “WWJD?”, which stand for “What Would Jesus Do?”. Other valuables, such as the boy’s Michael Jordan sneakers, or his wallet containing $50, were not touched. The youth received the bracelet at a student outreach program sponsored by the local church. The boy’s parents hope that the attacker will read the bracelet, think about what Jesus would do, and turn himself into authorities.
Anal Retentive Man Washes Hair Perpetually - Jim Hedgson, a local guidance counselor has been washing his hair for 3 years consecutively, and has no plans to stop any time soon. “I have this condition where I have to follow any directions that I read. The other day I noticed for the first time that my shampoo had instructions written on the back. They said: ‘Wet Hair. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.’ The directions are pretty obvious,” he told us through his shower curtain yesterday. When we informed him that the repetition of the first three steps are optional, he didn’t believe us. “That’s how people get hurt. Directions are necessary to maintain order.” The school administration has not yet noticed Hedgson’s absence.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Apple Attempts To "Sync" Women With iPad
[caption id="attachment_332" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Irritability? Bloating? There's an app for that."]
The Apple iPad provides all the protection of a regular Maxi pad, with a few added features to bring the product into the digital age. The starter kit includes a very small Bluetooth device, which attaches to the iPad, that sends a signal to other iPad wearers. In studies conducted by the company, women who are both wearing iPads are very likely to have their menstrual cycles occur at the same time through a proprietary process Apple calls "cyc sync."
The company promises future features such as the ability to upload stats to Facebook and automatically friend your "cyc sync" contacts.
According to Apple spokeswoman Lisa March, "studies have shown that women who share their common struggle form a bond that helps each to improve their own condition. Women can share tips on medicine and other treatment options that make the time more bearable."
When asked why a woman couldn't just randomly "friend" women on Facebook and achieve the same effect, March said she was late for a lunch appointment.
The iPad Heavy model comes equipped with a headphone jack and 4 GB of memory. Apple says the headphone configuration "is guaranteed to be a sure-fire conversation starter."
For women who are not a fan of Maxi Pads, Apple plans to introduce the sister model, the iPlug, early next year.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
How to Avoid the Swine Flu
[caption id="attachment_327" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="This is NOT how to get swine flu"]
1. No matter how hot you think that girl or guy at the club is, ask your friends for a second opinion before you take them home. Your inebriation may cause you to succumb to the number one cause of contracting swine flu: having sex with a pig.
2. If you sizzle and give off a delectable aroma when in direct sunlight, go see a doctor.
3. If you need to cough, cough into another person's sleeve. This "cough into your own sleeve" idea is counterproductive, as you will be in close contact to your sleeve for the rest of the day.
4. Start and conclude each day with a shower with boiling hot water. Second degree burns are a small price to pay for sanitation.
5. Since vaccines are in short supply, every person does not need a vaccine. Only one person in a couple needs to be vaccinated, the second person can be immunized through sexual contact with the vaccinated person. Remember, no condom!
6. Avoid populations that are closely associated with pigs, such as pig farmers, butchers, and police.
7. Using hand sanitizer is a great idea. To ensure removal of germs, make sure you have a good coat of sanitizer, then light it on fire. The fire will roast any remaining germs.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Conservative Protestors Stage Donkey Punching Parties
[caption id="attachment_320" align="alignright" width="300" caption="That's the spirit!"]
On April 15th, many people held "Tea Parties," where they gathered, waved signs that made anyone associated with the English language cringe, and talked of teabagging. Some carried signs such as "Teabag the Liberal Dems Before They Teabag You!" Others planned on dumping large amounts of tea into bodies of water to replicate the Boston Tea Party and provide a little taste of home to any fish that had migrated from English waters and were missing a bit of the ole' Earl Grey. Unfortunately, park police told the protestors that dumping tea in the water was not allowed. "Just another example of how the government regulators are keeping us down," said protestor Harry Larrimore. "Imagine if our founding fathers had to deal with this level of regulation! They would have been stuck signing forms and getting permits instead of protesting."
These teabagging parties received much coverage in the press, although much of it has been focused on the name they chose for their protesting activity. Apparently unbeknownst to the teabaggers, the name they chose to call themselves doubles as a reference to a sex act. Because of this, much of the media has lampooned their protests, and the teabaggers feel their message is not getting through.
"We decided that we would focus on the antics of the Democrats, how they make us feel, and what we would like to do," said Larrimore. "We know the symbol of the Democratic Party is a donkey, so we started thinking of donkey piñatas. The Democrats make us so angry that we want to hit them, not literally of course, but figuratively. We are trying to be more conscious of our image, so we are not using the stick normally used to hit piñatas, but instead are hitting the donkeys with our fist, or donkey punching as we put it. So far, it's working well, but we have to be careful, because some of our fellow protestors have taken to shooting the donkey."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What if Sarah Palin Gave FDR's Pearl Harbor Speech?
[caption id="attachment_312" align="alignright" width="181" caption="This is Sarah Palin's serious face"]
Yesterday, December the 7th, was a pretty crappy day, excuse my language. For those of you that don't remember, those Japanese people bombed one of our patriotic military bases and attacked a lot of people who are fighting for our freedoms.
Before that, we liked Japan. They helped us with another vantage point of Russia.
But, get a load of this, America! After those fighter planes bombed our brave, patriotic men and women protecting our freedoms, a politician from Japan met with our Receptionist of State and gave us a message. They didn't say anything about the attack! Can you believe it?
Now, everybody knows that Japan is pretty far from Hawaii. Imagine how long it would take to drive there! We know that they must have been cooking this up for quite some time, let me tell you! While they were doing the planning, they were telling us that they wanted peace. I don't know about you, but talking about peace while dropping bombs is pretty darn hypocritical. In Alaska, we would say that the Japanese are talking out both sides of their eyes.
I'm not going to lie to you, we lost a lot of brave Real Americans yesterday. In addition, we also lost a lot of fine ships. These ships were in Pearl Harbor and also out in other waters.
They did not just attack us. They attacked a bunch of other places.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Rupert Murdoch Chooses Karl Rove for "Outrage Czar"
[caption id="attachment_308" align="alignright" width="221" caption="Karl does his imitation of a rooster with a birth defect"]
Rove will be responsible for coordinating the opposition to the Obama White House, a challenging task. However, Murdoch thinks that Rove is up to the challenge. "For a little while, we were trying to keep track of all these different stories and how they interconnected," Murdoch says. "We had groups of interns working around the clock on our 'consistency squad.' Then, Karl called me with a brilliant idea. Forget it! We only have to be consistent about one thing: blaming Obama. We fired the 'consistency squad' then ran a story about how Obama was causing job cuts."
Rove explains, "The American people, our viewers especially, have a very short memory, especially for boring things like politics. They can't and won't follow a long argument about the moral and ethical consequences of enhanced interrogation, but they can follow snappy sound bites like 'torture works and is totally awesome!' I just took that simplicity and applied it to Obama. It's a very simple formula: 'Obama did something today, here's how his actions today are destroying America.'"
Some people are concerned America has a finite source of outrage. Rove disagrees, stating that outrage is a renewable resource and is simply replenished by a night's sleep. Murdoch agrees. "Karl's strategy is both simple and brilliant. Obama does something every day. With our vast panel of paid experts, we can always find someone to explain how his actions are leading us towards socialism. One day, an intern accidently wrote 'fascist' instead of 'socialist' on the graphic and we learned another interesting thing. None of our viewers know the difference."
Friday, October 09, 2009
Obama Awarded Peace Prize for Historic "Beer Summit"
President Barack Obama has been used to being waken with bad news. The struggling economy, trouble in the Iraq and Afghanistan, and Glenn Beck's ratings increases are just a few of the early morning news that has sent the President diving back under the covers. This morning, however, he began the day a vindicated man. Critics had mercilessly railed against his decision to insert himself into the greatest conflict of our time: the battle between the police and Ivy League intellectuals. Today, the Nobel Prize committee has rewarded his diplomatic efforts with its annual peace prize.
[caption id="attachment_301" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Karl Rove Follows Beck's Lead"]
When the President decided to host the "Beer Summit" at the White House, he tried to play it off as nothing, "just a few guys having a beer and talking." But the responsible media knew the truth. This was big. Obama, a diplomatic neophyte seemed to be biting off more than he could chew, or drink.
The historic summit ended with a handshake and a commitment to talk further. "It is that level of multi-lateral diplomacy that led us to award this prize to President Barack Obama," said Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Debut Single - My Grandma Got Put Down By Obama
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can’t believe that we were so naive
You say there’s no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
With help from her friends Rush and Glenn Beck
She’s telling us just how we were deceived
She can see through facts and logic
To tell Real America what to believe
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can’t believe that we were so naive
You say there’s no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
This is not the country I know
I thought we all were meant to get our say
Our Founding Fathers must be wond’ring
Since when’s Hawaii a state anyway?
We aired our grievances at town halls
Called our representative a whore
We wouldn’t listen to their answers
We just shouted shouted ’til we passed out on the floor
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can’t believe that we were so naive
You say there’s no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
We all should have seen this coming
But Obama’s halo blinded us
We all wanted hope and change
Instead my dear Grandma was turned to dust
It’s not Christmas without Grandma.
In fact we can’t say “Christmas” anymore
Please find a hiding place for Grandpa
Obama’s jackboot thugs are at the door
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can’t believe that we were so naive
You say there’s no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can’t believe that we were so naive
You say there’s no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
But as for Michelle Bachmann, she believes.
But as for Sarah Palin, she believes.
Monday, September 14, 2009
President of MTV "Freezes" While Kanye West Terrorizes VMAs
[caption id="attachment_273" align="alignright" width="300" caption="This photo is completely real"]
While this was happening, many were wondering why West was allowed to take to the stage so easily. Why did the broadcast not cut to commercial? This morning, the answer to those questions became clear.
VMA host Russell Brand, "I wanted to go to commercial, but a decision that drastic had to be deferred to the President, Van Toffler. I tried to reach him as soon as we realized what was happening. We saw Kanye making his way to the stage. Toffler gave us no response, he just froze."
At the time, Toffler was giving a speech to other MTV executives. A witness describes the scene in the room as: "Total silence. Someone came in the room and whispered in his ear that Kanye West had just taken the microphone from Taylor Swift. He just looked stunned, then he went back to reading from his report. He told us after that he didn't want people to panic."
Toffler could not be reached for comment.
Brand is upset that more wasn't done to prevent a Kanye attack. "We received intelligence that Kanye West was planning on attacking the awards with douchebaggery, but nobody paid attention to it. We even knew to focus on the stage, because Kanye would want to maximize his audience. This situation could have easily been prevented. It's not like he hasn't done this before."
Comedian Mike Myers agrees that more should be done to prevent future Kanye West attacks. "When he said 'George Bush doesn't care about black people' you saw the shock on my face. I was caught completely off guard. We should know better now. We should have learned. I know I'll never forget."
Friday, September 04, 2009
Concerned Parent Recommends Pulling Children From al-Gebra Classes Due to Fears of Indoctrination
[caption id="attachment_268" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The Qu'ran is in here, I just know it!"]
"I'm not one of those crazy folk who thinks that Barack Obama is going to come out and openly attempt to indoctrinate our children with his Muslim socialist fascist views," said Kyle Newton, a parent. "I think that he, and people like him, are going to be much more subtle."
Newton believes he has figured it out, thanks to a tip from a friend, who was taking a world religion course at a local community college.
"He was telling me all about the different contributions that the arabs have made to our culture," Newton said. "He's a nice guy, so I figured I'd humor him and pretend to be interested. I could hardly hide my shock when he told me that the arabs invented algebra. I thought I had to turn to a reliable source before I believed that nonsense."
After looking on Wikipedia, Newton says he was convinced.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Obama Describes Kennedy's Commitment to Universal Social Networking
[caption id="attachment_253" align="alignright" width="192" caption="He's tweeting out of frame"]
"To paraphrase his brother Jack," Obama said, "Ask not what Facebook can do for you; ask what you can do for Facebook. You say the quizzes are boring? What are you doing to make them better?"
Kennedy believed that all Americans had an inherent right to share the minutiae of their lives with the world. He pointed to programs in other countries that provided Facebook accounts and internet access to all their citizens, something lacking in the United States.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Look at me! - Part Two
Perhaps because I have narcissistic tendencies, I agree with the article's conclusions that there is a strong attraction for people to use Twitter and Facebook as a tool for validation. In fact, in my post "Look at Me!" I used the same phrase as the author does - "The Age of Entitlement." I believe that social networking tools provide a benefit. I'm very happy that I have been able to re-connect with friends with whom I've lost contact over time, although I have to say that I could do with less updates about their kids, but maybe that's just me. I find Twitter to be very useful, as I always have been more adept at coming up with funny headlines or one-liners, while writing a full story can be arduous. I find Twitter's 140 character limit freeing.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear (and me!)
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of the television show Lost. For example, I spent a large part of my trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art trying to find the four-toed statue. When I heard that the people behind the show were going to sell prints from an artist based on the Lost mythology as part of a plan to promote Season Six, I was really interested. When the first print when up for sale, I ordered one. I'm not sure if they are still available, but take a look here:
It came yesterday, so I was really excited. I was also intrigued because Fed Ex had left a package delivery attempt note on our door that said we had another package. Neither my wife nor I had ordered anything else lately so we were both at a loss for what it could be. I thought to myself, "Self, there's no way it could be something else from Lost, right?
It turns out that I was the first person to place an order for the first print. The artist sent me a print(24/30) of the original Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear painting! To see what that's all about, start here:,_Carlton,_and_a_Polar_Bear
Keep your eyes out for the next print. Who knows, maybe they'll be doing this for future prints!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Independent Death Contractors Fear Competition From Government Run Death Panels
[caption id="attachment_227" align="alignright" width="199" caption="Would you have this man killed by amateurs?"]
support for protestors seeking to "break up" town hall meetings about health care reform. Media outlets in the left, such as The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, have been investigating connections between these seemingly spontaneous supports of anger and lobbying firms which appear to be funding them. Today, there was a new and surprising development in the investigation. Sources indictate that a lobbying firm, Totally Transparent and Honest Citizens for Change, has been producing radio and television advertisements describing health care reform as "a secret plot to kill old people," as Maddow often desribes such scare tactics.
Political advertisements are often funded by special interest groups, so the discovery that TTHCC is producing these advertisements is not shocking, or even surprising. However, it is the special interest group that hired the firm that is the story. The firm was hired by the small yet powerful Serial Killers of the Elderly lobby.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Song Parody: My Grandma Got Put Down By Obama
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can't believe that we were so naive
You say there's no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
[caption id="attachment_211" align="alignright" width="259" caption="Save Granny!"]
Yes, Sarah Palin tried to save us
With a nod, a smile and wink
But thanks toCharlie's gotcha questions
Her career in politics is on the brink
With help from her friends Rush and Glenn Beck
She's telling us just how we were deceived
She can see through facts and logic
To tell Real America what to believe
My Grandma got put down by Obama
I can't believe that we were so naive
You say there's no such thing as Death Panels.
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Secret World of Political Alts
[caption id="attachment_188" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Just sayin'"]
In the last few years, unknown to most, these two trends have been making the transition from the internet to the real world. While obviously false public personas like Stephen Colbert, Sasha Baron Cohen's "Borat," and Ann Coulter have inundated the airwaves, they never truly crossed over into the political world. Until Decision 2008.
"Looking back on it, how can you not conclude that the 2008 Presidential campaign was just a series of practical jokes?" says celebrtiy internet trend consultant Rick the Analyst. The Democrats nominated a black guy, whose middle name is Hussein. I mean, come on!"
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Christian Cleaners: "No More Wire Hangers!"
Emboldened by the recent stories regarding Christian pharmacists refusing to dispense the Plan B emergency contraceptive, a small, but growing group of Christian dry cleaners are refusing to use wire hangers at their businesses.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Welcome to the new site!
I think I am going to move the majority of stories from The Fake News here in the next little while.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Palin Book Titles
My pick is "As I Say, Lying." What do you think?
Moving on up!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What If Sarah Palin Gave The Gettysburg Address?
Hi Gettysburg. About eighty some odd years ago in the past, those brave forefathers of ours gave a precious gift to US. They gave (to us!) this amazing country of ours that we live and reside in, founded in God's LIBERTY!! And also, it's dedicated to the fact that all of us are created by God, who is so amazing, to be the same.
What if Sarah Palin Wrote The Gettysburg Address?
After Gov. Palin's rambling, incoherent resignation speech, I began to wonder what it would have been like if she had given famous speeches throughout history. Here's Part One: Gettysburg.
Hi Gettysburg. About eighty some odd years ago in the past, those brave forefathers of ours gave a precious gift to US. They gave (to us!) this amazing country of ours that we live and reside in, founded in God's LIBERTY!! And also, it's dedicated to the fact that all of us are created by God, who is so amazing, to be the same.
Right now, even as I stand here before you to speak, this great country of ours is wrapped up in a battle for Real Americans against people led by those chattering class intellectual elites who sit in their ivory towers and plan to try to destroy me. Right here on this war zone, I stand READY to take those people on! I do this in the memory of our brave soldiers who fight and die to protect our freedoms, like the First Amendment, that guarantees me the ability to speak what I believe in my heart to be true without those in the press conducting a witch hunt of me and my financial transactions. And here at this site where brave men like my son Track fought and died for those hard-fought liberties that I and my children, who are here with me: Bristol, Willow, and Piper – say "Hi" kids!, enjoy so much since they live in this great country of ours.
However, If we take a step back and look at the bird's eye big picture view, our brave men and women like my son Track have made this ground even more special than words can ever do. Even after I make this speech, and the press "fact checks" (important: make sure to use finger quotes for that dramatic effect) it, and points out all the alleged "factual discrepancies," (more finger quotes!) and those talking heads on the television spend a week talking about it and I pick a fight with one of them and the press talks about it for another week and I do something completely impulsive and unexpected and the press talks about it some more - as long as that lasts, we will never forget the sacrifices our brave men and woman made to protect our freedoms. Those of us who make up the group of the living need to get those hands dirty and those noses to that grindstone to keep going forward with that GREAT mission that our brave men and women in uniform started, in addition to protecting our freedoms. It's just so important for us here now to realize how much further we have to go to protect this great country built buy our brilliant, patriotic forefathers and protected by our brave men and women in uniform, some of whom have given the ultimate sacrifice, giving their own God-given life in defense of this great nation. And we need to say to them, "Listen guys and gals, we will make sure that us Real Americans always remember your sacrifice!" And our nation, under God, indivisible, with LIBERTY and justice for all, will be born again in freedom and liberty and justice for all. And we will always remember and we will never forget, that America is the greatest country on Earth and although many things divide us, our faith in God unites us and will continue to keep us going forward on that bright road of democracy. God bless you, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
You Should Be Afraid of the Dark (Man)
I read many genres of literature, but I really enjoy a good thriller. I decided to buy his novel based soley on his interview on the "Behind the Grammar" podcast. I was mainly intrigued by the unique method of storytelling Hutchins and his collaborator Jordan Weisman used to unspool a rich tapestry of terror, revenge, and mystery. You see, Personal Effects: Dark Art is not just a book, it's an experience.
You Should Be Afraid of the Dark (Man)
I read many genres of literature, but I really enjoy a good thriller. I decided to buy his novel based soley on his interview on the "Behind the Grammar" podcast. I was mainly intrigued by the unique method of storytelling Hutchins and his collaborator Jordan Weisman used to unspool a rich tapestry of terror, revenge, and mystery. You see, Personal Effects: Dark Art is not just a book, it's an experience.
Each reader will find, enclosed in a pocket attached to the inside front cover, a pile of paper and plastic. A driver's license and bank card for one Martin Grace, who is apparently a character in the book. Copies of birth and death certificates. A strange, incredibly colored drawing. A letter from the...CIA? What the...?
These "personal effects" are an integral part of the story. While the novel itself is very entertaining, the other aspects (in addition to the personal effects, the reader finds websites to visit, numbers to call, passwords to suss out) immerse the reader in an alternate world, in which the reader has access to more information than do the characters in the story.
The plot centers around Zach Taylor, an art therapist who works at a psychiatric hospital lovingly referred to as "The Brink." He uses art to help his patients work through their myriad of psychiatric issues, many of which are interesting enough to merit their own book. When he attempts to treat the aforementioned Grace, a psychosomatically blind man who is accused of murdering a dozen people in amazingly gruesome fashion, his ability is severely tested and his own dark past intertwines with his patient's.
After finishing the book, I'm still left with unsolved questions and nagging inconsistencies. Why did one of the characters refer to another character by a name he shouldn't have known about? Why is the story Zach Taylor tells different than an incident report? How does information found on one of the fake web sites about Zach's lineage fit into the story?
My wife and I have an agreement that I'm not allowed to talk during any type of mystery movie or television show, because I have an awesome (annoying if you ask her) knack for figuring out what will happen before we're meant to know. With this story, I was able to see some plot twists coming, while others surprised me. Some of this was definitely due to scrutinizing the "personal effects" as soon as I opened the package from Amazon.
In addition to being a writer who has a vision of the future of storytelling, Hutchins is one of the most accessible writers I've encountered. I sent him several direct messages on Twitter and he replied to all of them. It seems that he spends a great deal of time interacting with his fans, which I know from my experience running The Fake News can be a time consuming process.
If you like thriller/horror novels, I urge you to pick up Personal Effects: Dark Art by J.C. Hutchins and Jordan Weisman. You'll find out that even if you can't see in the dark, the dark can see you!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Words Have Meaning: Empathy Already Has a Definition, Senator
In yesterday's Congressional hearing on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the US Supreme Court, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions said this: “Empathy for one party is always prejudice against another.” This quote is absolutely ludicrous.
Words Have Meaning: Empathy already has a definition, Senator
In yesterday's Congressional hearing on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the US Supreme Court, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions said this: “Empathy for one party is always prejudice against another.” This quote is absolutely ludicrous.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, empathy is defined as:
1: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it
2: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner ; also : the capacity for this.
Notice that there is no mention of bias in either of the definitions. As a future educator, it disgusts me to see empathy, which I feel is vital to fully understanding any subject, used in a negative connotation. Empathy is being able to see another point of view, it has nothing to do with being biased towards that point of view.
I realize that much of the debate deals with Judge Sotomayor's alleged reliance on emotion rather than the rule of law. As I said earlier, I'm not using this forum to discuss that topic. However, I simply cannot sit idly by while United States Senators are changing the meaning of words. If Senator Sessions means bias, he should use that word. Empathy is such a positive trait that it is absolutely despicable for him to drag this word into the mud with him.
The word "empathy" already has a definition, Senator.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Anything I Can Do You Can Do Better
I thought it would be a great idea to come up with a series of posts that explain common grammatical problems in a fun way that people can remember. I still think this is a great idea, but my enthusiasm is somewhat tempered by the discovery that someone has been doing it. For years.
Anything I can do you can do better
I thought it would be a great idea to come up with a series of posts that explain common grammatical problems in a fun way that people can remember. I still think this is a great idea, but my enthusiasm is somewhat tempered by the discovery that someone has been doing it. For years.
So, allow me to fully endorse Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl, who hosts the Grammar Girl podcast, which is found on iTunes or at her site It's pretty much everything I had thought of doing, but done much, much better.
Each podcast addresses a common grammar stumbling block in a humorous and memorable way. Her show is sort of a "Grammar for Dummies" in concept, but without the unfortunate title of that series. Seriously, why would anyone want to buy a book supposedly marketed to "dummies?" I guess "Plumbing For People Who Are Knowledgeable in Other Areas But Not Well Versed in the Field of Plumbing" doesn't fit on the cover. Aside: Do they make Depression for Dummies? That book seems counterproductive to me:
Patient: "I'm feeling much better. This book has really helped me to understand my condition *looks at cover* Now I feel worse about myself again..."
But seriously, check out the podcast.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Value of Literature
The value of literature
After following the events taking place in Iran the past few weeks, I began to think about how the situation there was so much different than in Iraq, and how it represents two different ways of going about achieving a democratic government. In Iraq, we basically told the Iraqi people, "you want a democracy because democracy is the best and you want it." The Iranian people are standing up for themselves, without outside assistance or provocation, and demanding that their voices be heard. It's a huge difference.
As I was flipping through my Norton's Anthology of American Literature, Volume II last night, I came across an epigraph W.E.B. Du Bois used for his essay "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others." He quoted a line from a Byron peom: "Hereditary Bondsmen! Know ye not / Who would be free themselves must strike the blow?" (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto 2, 76.720-1)
I know this is not exactly earth-shattering analysis of literature's value, but I thought it was a good example of why I'm planning on spending my life studying and teaching it. I think that our world would be a little better if everyone turned off the television and read for an extra hour a day. Try it, it can't make things worse!
*These conversations take place entirely in my head.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Sad State of Writing, Volume 2 - or "there's no excuse for mixing 'an' and 'and"
That's all for now. I have to read a Henry James story, "The Beast in the Jungle," for my American Literature class. I don't trust anyone with two first names, especially when both of those names are English monarchs.
UPDATE: I finished the story. Surprisingly, it wasn't about a man with a ridiculously thick swath of pubic hair.
The Sad State of Writing, Volume 2 - or "there's no excuse for mixing 'an' and 'and"
That's all for now. I have to read a Henry James story, "The Beast in the Jungle," for my American Literature class. I don't trust anyone with two first names, especially when both of those names are English monarchs.
UPDATE: I finished the story. Surprisingly, it wasn't about a man with a ridiculously thick swath of pubic hair.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The sad state of writing - or, I'm going to loose my mind
First up: the apparently difficult distinction between the word "loose" and the word "lose." This is one of the more baffling mistakes because it can be so easily avoided. While I've seen something like "I always seem to loose my car keys" written, I have yet to hear someone verbally use the wrong word. I guess the key is to learn or remember that loose rhymes with noose. "The loose noose still caused him to lose his life."
The sad state of writing - or, I'm going to loose my mind
First up: the apparently difficult distinction between the word "loose" and the word "lose." This is one of the more baffling mistakes because it can be so easily avoided. While I've seen something like "I always seem to loose my car keys" written, I have yet to hear someone verbally use the wrong word. I guess the key is to learn or remember that loose rhymes with noose. "The loose noose still caused him to lose his life."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Carlin and Orwell
Carlin's bit, "Euphemisms," addresses the same issue, and even more clearly shows the effect of euphemistic language on discourse, and, even more importantly, thought. Since language is the concrete instrument by which we convey abstract ideas, the language we use has a monumental impact on thought. In the bit, Carlin traced the history of the concept initially labeled "shell shock" to its present day incarnation of "post-traumatic stress disorder." Most important is the end, where he says "I'll bet you if we'd of still been calling it Shell Shock, some of those Viet Nam veterans might have gotten the attention they needed at the time. I'll betcha. I'll betcha."
Carlin and Orwell
Carlin's bit, "Euphemisms," addresses the same issue, and even more clearly shows the effect of euphemistic language on discourse, and, even more importantly, thought. Since language is the concrete instrument by which we convey abstract ideas, the language we use has a monumental impact on thought. In the bit, Carlin traced the history of the concept initially labeled "shell shock" to its present day incarnation of "post-traumatic stress disorder." Most important is the end, where he says "I'll bet you if we'd of still been calling it Shell Shock, some of those Viet Nam veterans might have gotten the attention they needed at the time. I'll betcha. I'll betcha."
Carlin points out, as Orwell did repeatedly, that the language we use affects the way in which we think, which affects the actions we take, individually and as a society. While politics is the most obvious forum for euphemistic language, it has contaminated our language's water supply, impacting every aspect of our lives.
Both Carlin and Orwell believe that we use euphemistic language to avoid dealing with the harsh realities of life. It's become progressively worse over time. It hurts when a loved one dies, so we say that they "passed away," which may make it sound better in the short term, but at some point we have to deal with the certainty that we will never see that person again on Earth (or never if you do not believe in an afterlife). They are gone, and it sucks. You can deep fry an anchovy repeatedly, but once you bite through the layers of delicious dough and powdered sugar, it still tastes horrible inside.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Look At Me!
Look at Me!
I certainly am not immune. Most mornings I log into Facebook and immediately look to the lower right hand corner. That's right. The Red Badge of Narcissism. Surely someone must have been sufficiently amused by some silly comment I made to take the time to reply, validating my wit with a red square. I'm often disappointed when I find out that instead of writing and telling me how funny I am, they've merely clicked the "Like this" button, which is the Facebook equivalent of the IM "LOL," which I would guess is only 1% of the time accompanied by actual audible laughter.
Our online worth is now being measured by how many Twitter followers we have, although again this number is deceiving. I'm still fairly new to Twitter (I did not sign up for a long time soley because of how stupid I think the word "Tweet" is) and I'm learning that some people have a compulsion to follow as many people as they can, likely believing that the person will see that they have a new follower and return the favor - a reciprocal validationary event, as George Carlin would have sarcastically referred to it.
Why is this happening? I'm not sure, although there seem to be a lot of societal forces working in concert. All I know is that I'm going to buy stock in replacement F5 keys.