Wednesday, July 20, 2005

cut open, job prospect, book deal? It's been a busy week

This was the week where I went under the knife. I've been having a lot of trouble hearing and found out from the ENT doctor that I had a perforated eardrum. I also had a lot of other stuff that was caused by this, and yesterday the doctor operated on my poor little ear. I was in the prep room with Mrs. Wellington and the last thing I remember is thinking, "Wow, this stuff works fast". Next thing I know I'm in the recovery room. Turns out that there was a lot more stuff wrong with my ear than they thought. I'm going to have to have at least one more surgery. PS. This post is being written under the influence of Vicodin, which is not nearly as fun as I thought it would be.

I'm going to have a job interview for a job in NYC next week. Mrs. Wellington and I would love to move back to the Northeast, so this might be a great opportunity to do so. More as that develops.

My friend and fellow satire writer Brian White are in the early stages of a collaborative book project. I don't want to say too much about it until more is finalized, but suffice it to say, fans of the excellent Wellington writing will not be disappointed.

Well, it's almost time to watch the new Fox reality show So you think you can dance. I have a feeling that it should be called "so we think you'll watch anything".

We'll see.

1 comment:

Jen McCleve said...

That's never good news to hear from your ent doctor. Sorry your eardrum was perforated. That happened to my cousin, it was a pretty bad experience for him.