Sunday, January 08, 2006

A few random musings

So I was driving today, and we passed a sign on the highway that said "Speed enforced by aircraft". It's probably just me (it usually is), but does anyone else have a mental image of an F-16 coming down and blowing up some car on the highway?

I go even further and picture a scene like this in some control bunker somewhere:

"Red team, do you copy? I have a report of a red Mazda Miata California plate Echo Victor Foxtrot one six niner on interstate 5 going ninety five miles per hour. We have orders to terminate this vehicle. There can be no room for error. This is not a drill, I say again, this is not a drill. Godspeed."

Also, it was nice of the Giants to show up today. No, they played really great. If you're a Carolina fan...

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