Friday, April 08, 2011

Democrats Spread Rumor That Government Shutdown Would Shut Down Fox News

With midnight rapidly approaching and no deal in place to keep the government running, House Democrats are resorting to desperate measures to avoid a government shutdown. Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is reportedly spreading rumors that the impending shutdown will cut funding to Fox News.

[caption id="attachment_812" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The ballsiest Weiner in Washington"][/caption]

“Hey, we tried to play fair,” said Weiner. “But the Republicans just won’t budge."

Democratic strategy is to convince Tea Party members, who are pushing House Republicans to cut programs such as Planned Parenthood and NPR, that they will not be able to watch Sean Hannity or Fox and Friends tell them what happened in the news and what to believe.

“Without Fox News programming, how will I know how Obama is ruining the country?” said Fox News viewer Jerry Giles. “The lamestream media is too scared to have Sarah Palin on to talk about important things, like Obama’s birth certificate or how Obama is working with the Illuminati to bring about the end of the world as prophesied by the Mayans and helped along by the Freemasons.”

There is still no word of a potential secret meeting between Weiner and House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on what is being called the "Weiner - Boehner Compromise."

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