Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A bit of a change...

I started The Fake News about a decade ago. As time has passed, I have ended up writing less and less news satire and more and more of everything else. So The Fake News will now officially become

You'll still occasionally see news satire, but this site will become more of a place for multiple forms of humor. Thanks for the support over the years, and I hope this change will lead to an increase in productivity.

You've no doubt noticed the new layout. I figured that a major change should be accompanied by a new look. You'll see more tweaks in the near future. I'm also disabling comments. Each post I make receives hundreds (sometimes thousands) of spam comments. Yes, I use a spam filter, but the signal-to-noise ratio is just about zero.

If you really feel the need to respond to something, send me an email at

Thanks again for the support over the years, and I hope you keep coming back.

- Jimmy

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