Monday, September 03, 2012

Free advice for the DNC

As many tweets pointed out last Thursday, Clint Eastwood's discussion with an empty chair was a perfect visualization for this year's Republican campaign. The "Eastwooding" meme spread quickly throughout the internet, giving the Obama campaign a perfect opportunity to capitalize on a pre-existing cultural touchstone.

Here's how.

One of the speeches leading up to President Obama's on Thursday night should be the following. Bring out the empty chair. Address each one of the lies that the Republicans have been telling about Obama's record, then respond with the truth. Here's an example:

"Republicans have been spending millions of dollars on ads that tell you all about a President they invented. You saw Clint Eastwood talking to him a week ago. You can't see him because he doesn't exist. The Republicans know that they can't run against President Obama's real record, so they have invented "Invisible Obama.

"The Republicans will tell you that Invisible Obama cut the work requirements from the welfare programs because he wants welfare recipients to do nothing for their check. That's a lie. The real President Obama worked with governors to allow them to change requirements to INCREASE the ability of welfare recipients to work.

"The Republicans will tell you that Invisible Obama hates the public sector, and has worked to sabotage private sector job growth. That's a lie. Under the real President Obama, job growth in the private sector has increased at a faster rate than it did under President George W. Bush."

And so on, and so on, and so on.

You're welcome.

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