Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #5. Teabaggers

5. Teabaggers – Sure, now they want to be called the Tea Partiers or Tea Party Patriots, but in the beginning they were calling themselves Teabaggers. I will continue to honor their original wishes, mainly because their choice of name illustrates their amazing lack of common sense.

Sure, many of these people claim that they were just as upset under Bush, but let's take a look at the abbreviated timeline:

Patriot Act, October 26, 2001. Teabagger response: "Fourth Amendment? What Fourth Amendment?"

Invasion of Iraq, March 20, 2003. Teabagger response: "Go get those WMDs!" later amended to "Saddam is a bad man" later amended to "You'll take our democracy if you know what's good for you!"

Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse photos, torture memos, extreme rendition, warrantless wiretapping, all fine.

Health Care Reform, Teabagger response: "Oh, hell no!"

It would be hard for me to ridicule them more than they've (unintentionally) ridiculed themselves. From the horrible spelling and grammar on their signs to their lack of specificity in any of their arguments (asking them to define socialism, communism, fascism, and Marxism is a fun and revealing exercise), they are foot soldiers in the politics of fear.

Under President Bush, daring to criticize the president in a time of war was treasonous. Under President Obama, a Congressman calling the president a liar during an address to Congress: Totally cool.

The teabagger movement brought us the August of Town Halls, or as the protesters thought of them Town Hells. Because of this August movement, we now have hours of footage of people screaming at their House and Senate representatives. But, it goes further than that. The teabaggers claimed they were just utilizing their first amendment right to free speech. However, a town hall is supposed to be a place where people can all share their views. When proponents of health care reform tried to speak, they were shouted down by these patriots of free speech. The amazing thing is they didn't realize the irony.

The teabaggers are not interested in having a voice in the process, they are interested in shutting the process down. Though they try to deny party affiliations, they have become a perfect representative of the current Republican Party, in which fear outweighs facts, slogans outweigh critical thinking, and party outweighs country.

List so far:

10. Annoying Facebook Behaviors

9. The Snuggie

8. Jennifer Aniston

7. Balloon Boy

6. Glenn Beck

5. Teabaggers

Check back tomorrow for Number 4!

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