Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ten Things That Made Me Want to Stick My Head in an Oven This Year - #3. Sarah Palin

3. Sarah Palin – Ah, the only question regarding Mrs. Palin was what spot she would take up on the list. She is truly a remarkable person, as many people whom I consider intelligent have tried to convince me that she really is smart and the media is out to get her. You see the problem that I have with believing that is that I have this thing called a memory, and I can recall prior events and incorporate them into my understanding of current events. Take for instance the infamous Katie Couric interview, which for many was the first major clue that there was something seriously wrong with Palin as a Vice-Presidential candidate. Some gave her the benefit of the doubt in the Charles Gibson interview, in which she could not comment coherently on the Bush Doctrine. I am far from a political expert, but I knew exactly to what Gibson was referring, simply by reading several political articles each day from a variety of viewpoints. Political white knights sprang to her rescue, arguing that there were several Bush Doctrines, and pretending that if they were asked the same question, they would answer with the same level of incompetence.

Yes, I am going back to events that happened before 2009, but it is necessary to point out the depth of delusion in her avid supporters. The Katie Couric interview was a turning point in the way non-hardcore Republican voters viewed her. After her poor performance, in which she seemed unable to answer simple questions such as, "what papers do you read?" Palin's supporters claimed that Couric had cleverly manipulated the interview to make Palin look bad. These same people were complaining about Couric's competency to be a network news anchor when she took over the CBS Evening News. So, suddenly, she goes from incompetent journalist to devious mastermind, who single-handedly thwarted Palin from answering simple questions.

Following her defeat in November 2008, many held out hope that Palin would fade into the background like other defeated VP candidates. Unfortunately, her loss gave her the opportunity to ratchet up her brand of no-nothing politics, which involved such interesting moves as resigning her position as Governor of Alaska so she could better serve its citizens. She was a pioneer in political internet communication, offering her ideas on policy positions on the popular social networking site Facebook, just like zero other respected politicians. She also has a popular Twitter account, where she posts well-written opinions such as " ...merged bill may b unrecognizable from what assumed was a done deal:R death panels back in?what's punishment 4not purchasing mandated HC?" and " Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng." But that's Sarah Palin for you, a real maverick. When others attempt to maintain some semblance of proper writing in their tweets, Sarah bucks the trend and writes like a twelve-year-old girl tweeting about her first boyfriend. Rather than finding clear and concise methods of communicating, Palin just crams as much as she can into 140 characters.

So, what will 2010 bring for Sarah Palin? She will likely behave like the completely hypocritical person she is turning out to be. She claims the press is restricting her freedom of speech, and then bars three public citizens from attending one of her book signings. She claims to put her family first and asks the media to stop focusing on her family, yet she parades them around every chance she gets. She even brought Trig on her book signing tour, showing him off to the crowd before handing him off to an aide. To her, everything is a means to an end, which is Sarah.

Come back tomorrow for Number 2 and enjoy your New Year's Eve celebrations!

The List so Far:

10. Annoying Facebook Behavior

9. The Snuggie

8. Jennifer Aniston

7. Balloon Boy

6. Glenn Beck

5. Teabaggers

4. I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant

3. Sarah Palin

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